The parties will be able to choose several specifications for how the agreement will be concluded, including the obligations that the franchisor owes to the franchisee, if they exist. This franchise agreement is a robust document that will help ensure the smooth running of the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee. (k) make it clear, in all literature and correspondence reports and by a bulletin board on the premises, that it is a franchisee independent of the franchisor and is not related in any other way. Any misuse of the company`s trademarks or copyrights results in the termination of the contract and legal action. Any use of copyrighted material by the owners without prior authorization is subject to the termination of the contract. For more information: 9 things you need to know before you buy a franchise All conditions deemed unenforceable have the possibility of being replaced as necessary. The exclusion of the above conditions does not affect other parts of this agreement. PandaTip: These sections cover the procedures for renewing or terminating the franchise agreement as well as the terms of dissociability and jurisdiction. The area in the agreement indicates where you will run your business. It also shows whether you have exclusive rights or not. The franchise rule requires that a potential franchisee be provided with a franchise publication document (FDD) that details 23 “items” for the franchisor`s business.

An FDD aims to give potential franchisees a clear picture of the activities of the franchisor, its executives and other franchises. Some of the 23 “points” required include past or ongoing franchise litigation, the financial health of the franchise, training and other support programs made available to franchisees by the franchisor, a list of existing franchise outlets, and the franchise`s trademarks, copyrights and patents. While each franchise contract will be brand specific, there are a few important things that should be on it. This may differ from one deductible to another, with some 5 to 10 years and others 10 to 20 years. In principle, the franchise agreement should be long enough to allow you to recoup your initial investment. For a licensing agreement, the licensee authorizes the purchaser to use his property for commercial or other reasons. Licensing agreements also have their own specific terms of sale, but the content differs from that of franchise agreements. (c) if the franchisor does not exercise this option and accepts the proposed purchase, one condition is that the proposed purchaser deposit 25 per cent of the purchase price with the franchisor and that after the sale, the purchaser pays the balance of the purchase price to the franchisor`s lawyer (representing the franchisee), subject to a pledge fee for all funds owed to the franchisor that the franchisor owes to the franchisor. , and the franchisor deducts from the aforementioned purchase price the amount of the franchisee`s unpaid obligations to the franchisor, as well as the amount owed under this agreement, and hands over to the franchisee, within thirty days of receiving the final amount of the purchase price by the franchisor, a balance remaining due from the purchase price; (1) Copyright and any other rights to the text of the Manual photograph all other documents provided by the franchisor and all secret or confidential information contained in it is the property of the franchisor and the franchisees undertake not to copy the manual photographs and other documents provided by franchisor, nor to disclose its contents or concepts to another party. , not direct or indirect use of these services.