• (Română) Invitație la Conferința EINCO 2019

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  • “Call for papers” OJBE vol. 2, issue 2

    Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution for the first issue of the second volume of Oradea Journal of Business and Economics (OJBE). The deadline for submitting a paper is 15th of June 2017. […]

  • Invitation to EINCO 2017 Conference

    Dear colleagues, We are delighted to announce the call for papers for the 13th International Conference on European Integration – New Challenges – EINCO 2017 being held at the University of Oradea, Faculty of Economic […]

  • Launching the 1st issue of the 2nd volume of Oradea Journal of Business and Economics

    We are pleased to announce that 1st issue of the second volume of ”Oradea Journal of Business and Economics” (OJBE) has been released. This issue includes 9 articles and a short presentation of the Annual […]

  • Study on the labor market insertion of economics graduates

    In December 2016, members of the Research Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development have completed a report on the labor market insertion of economics graduates. The research instrument was an online questionnaire.The synthetic data of […]

  • Day of economist and the academics in economic education 2016

    CCCDD participated on 23rd of November 2016, together with the Faculty of Economic, University of Oradea, to the Day of economist and the academics in economic education. During this event, after the opening ceremonies in […]

  • Call for papers “Doctoral Symposium in Economic Sciences”

    We are pleased to invite you to the International Doctoral Symposium in Economic Sciences. The event will take place with the occasion of the “The Day of the Economist and Economics Teacher” on 23th of […]

  • CCCDD at European Researchers Night 2016

    On 30th of September 2016, CCCDD – Faculty of Economics) participated at „European Researchers Night” which took place also in Oradea. Our activity was based on games in different economic areas, knowledge quizzes, self-knowledge tests, […]

  • Researcher’s Night 2016

    We are glad to announce that this year CCCDD prepares its own presentation stand to the European Researcher’s Night which will take place on 30th of September. In Oradea, the event will take place in […]

  • “Call for papers” OJBE nr. 3

    Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution for the first issue of the second volume of Oradea Journal of Business and Economics (OJBE). The deadline for submitting a paper is 1st of February 2017. […]